Sunday, 28 December 2008

The Final Design

Once I had chosen my design, I set about creating the final image in Photoshop.  To make sure that the shapes were of equal size and accurately spaced, I used a grid as a guide.  I drew a series of concentric circles of increasing size, making sure that each one was on a separate layer, so they could be coloured and changed easily.  To draw the compass points, I used the pen tool, including the anchor point tool to create curves.   I also made sure that the document was saved to a suitable size for a web page, eg.  640 x 480 pixels.

Although I am planning to use just a section of the compass, I am designing it as a whole image so that I have flexibility in positioning it.  

Below: screenshot of the compass drawing.


The next stage was to add colour, text and texture.   I hid the grid, and used the line tool to create a curved text path within the inner circle. I then used type tool to add the word 'Portfolio' along the path.   I choose quite a simple font, because too many tails and flourishes would have interfered with the lines of the curve.  
I used the brush tool, with a dry brushstroke effect to add some texture around the outer circle.  I chose the colours to tone with each other, ranging from turquoise to purple, as I thought too many contrasting colours would over complicate the image and distract from its purpose.  

Below: screenshot of colour and texture building stage

I built up the colours in layers, making some layers semi- transparent to create extra texture.  I added embossing and drop shadows to the shapes and lettering to give it a more solid appearance. (below).


For the final version, I added a star shape in the centre for extra interest.  I repositioned the image to the top left hand corner of the page and cropped it.  I then arranged the links for each section of the website around each compass point.  Originally, I was going to use the star shape as a button for each link, but when I came to copy and paste them, it looked too cluttered. I decided to just use the outline star shape formed in the central circle, and integrate it with the lettering, so that both image and words form the whole link.   

Below: the final version of my homepage design

I now had to consider the inner pages of the website.   I wanted to keep them as simple as possible, because the purpose of the website is to present work, not draw attention to its own design.  I decided to stick with the white background and compass image, and arrange my work with a straightforward menu bar down the right hand side.

When I first tried this, I found the colours of the compass were fighting with the other colours on the page, so I changed the compass colour to grey tones using the balance and contrast options.   I just kept the lettering in colour, for definition.

The categories I have chosen for the inner pages represent the strongest areas of my portfolio, and the areas I am most interested in.  I felt this was the most logical approach as I may want to use the website in a professional context in the future.

Below: One of the inner pages of the website

I have now discussed the design aspects of my website, and will go on to discuss the technical aspects of building the site. 

(For my Website Proposal, please see paper copy as I am unable to add the PDF file.)

Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Initial Designs

How I Built my Website

Initial Designs

I wanted my website to look not only visually interesting, but also to communicate something about the content- which is to be a portfolio of my graphic design work to date.  My first idea was to use artists materials, such as photos of squeezed tubes of paint, scribbled pencils, etc.  As a quick experiment I toned down a photograph of a row of coloured pencils in Photoshop and used it as the backdrop for my home page.  (Below).  I like the colours, but I wanted a more distinctive image. 


 I took a photograph of various jars and paints etc. lined up on my desk (Below).  This made the effect more interesting and personal.


Overall however, I decided that using images of artists materials was a bit too obvious, and had probably been produced in various ways hundreds of times already.  I wanted something more subtle and original.

Of the websites I researched, one of my favourites was for the illustrator Sara Fanelli.  It had a quirky hand drawn look, which stood out in a maze of slick, meticulously designed sites.  The text was all hand lettered, set against brightly coloured and patterned wallpaper.  I thought this look might suit my portfolio, which features a lot of hand rendered illustration work, so I produced a couple of designs which tried to emulate this spirit.   I made two sets of 'wallpaper' by layering a pattern over a plain colour, and then tearing away sections to create texture and contrast.   For the buttons, I scanned relevant pages from my reflective journal overlaid with a hand lettered label.    



I think that my designs (above) are quite unusual, but the overall effect was rather busy; there is a little too much going on for my liking.   On the pages where I would display my actual portfolio, the wallpaper would clash with the work rather than compliment it.  Also I thought the overall effect was a bit 'studenty'.  I decided that I would aim for a design which was more sophisticated, so if I did want to use the website in the future, I would feel it portrayed the right image.

My next idea was to use a sketch of a roundabout, to convey the idea that the portfolio had one central link with categories going off in different directions, for the viewer to explore.   I liked the general concept, but felt that the sketch (below) was too literal, and needed some refining.


I sketched a more abstract version, while maintaining the concept of a central symbol with different tangents.  (Below).  However this seemed overly simple, and not particularly memorable.  Also, it wouldn't work as well on the inner pages of the website where I would be displaying my work.


I decided that a compass would provide a more visually interesting symbol, while maintaining the same concept as the roundabout- each point will indicate a separate category.  I researched some compass designs on Google images, then I created a draft version of my own design in Photoshop, using the shape drawing tools.  

I built up the design in layers, so that alterations could easily be made.  I experimented with various pattern and colour combinations, using a digital pen and the paint bucket tools.  I tried a floral design initially, but this didn't have the more professional edge that I was aiming for.  (below).


     I used the 'live trace' option in illustrator, which created a much looser, more textured look.  (below).  I also decided to move the compass to the top left hand corner of the page, so that the same image could be used on the inside pages of the website without distracting from the work I am going to display. 

I now have the basis for a final design that I am happy with.  It fulfills my aim of a design which is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also has a purpose- the compass is a navigation tool, which is what the home page of my portfolio represents.  There is plenty of scope to experiment with pattern, texture, tone and colour until I am completely happy with the final version, and it is also a design that can be translated to the inner pages quite easily.

Saturday, 6 December 2008

Future Technologies   

Amazon is at the helm of the developing technology of e-books and e-readers.  E-book is short for electronic book, and is basically a digital media version of a traditional book, read on specially made hardware devices, such as Amazon's Kindle, Sony's eReader, and Bookeen's Cybook Gen3.   The Kindle works independently of a computer, by downloading e-books over Amazon Whispernet.  The cost ranges from free to $10 for a best seller, and subscriptions can be made to newspapers and magazines.  E-books can also be directly downloaded from

                                                      Amazon's Kindle

 There are a number of advantages to e-book technology, but also drawbacks, and there hasn't yet been the expected market boom.  The Kindle, and many of its equivalents, aren't even yet for sale in the UK.   However, it is still a developing area, and I expect that over the next decade, as the flaws are ironed out, e-books will be increasingly commonplace.    

The main advantage of the technology is that thousands of books that would fill a small library can be stored on one device, thus saving space and paper, ink etc.  They never go out of print, and can be reproduced quickly, cheaply and easily.  The text size and font can easily be altered to help visually impaired readers, and there is no need to hold the device to read it.  The text can easily be converted to audio format, and it can be searched and cross referenced.   Also, the e-book market is seen as a more democratic forum for authors, who can by-pass the cumbersome and highly selective traditional publishing industry.

A major drawback is currently the cost and availability of e-readers.  The Kindle is currently only available in the US and originally retailed at a steep $399, now lowered to $359.   Sony readers have only been available in the UK since Sept 08.   E-books can be read on ordinary computers, but most people would find this too cumbersome and inconvenient.   Whatever method they are read by, it always requires the use of electricity, on devices that are susceptible to damage, malfunction, wear and tear, or simply becoming out of date.  If the device is stolen, the owner could loose a large collection of texts, so everything needs to be backed up.   Some people dislike looking at a screen for long periods, and prefer the more aesthetically pleasing nature of a traditional book.

Not all publishers make their books available in electronic format,  and up until recently there has been a lack of consensus about format, with some formats only accessible with specific software.   Digital Rights Management (DRM) has also been cited as a hinderance to the growth of the market.   DRM refers to the way that major content providers such as Apple, Sony and Microsoft limit the use of digital media and devices.  It enables them to limit number of copies and which devices media can be transfered to, and also protects copyright holders in ways which aren't covered by existing laws.  For example, some e-books can only be opened on the computer they were downloaded to, to prevent copying and distribution.  Others are tagged with the purchaser's name to discourage distribution, and many are restricted to prevent tampering and printing, and can only be read with a limited range of software.  Some people argue that this is putting off customers, and that people will always find ways of hacking software if they want to.

Most of the drawbacks are surmountable, and I think that once people realize the benefits, e-books will continue to grow in popularity.  


Article:  Amazon's Electronic Book Turns a New Page in the History of the Written Word


Friday, 5 December 2008

Current Legislation

Current Legislation on the Web 

Amazon currently stores details about millions of its customers on a data base.  This information is used to analyze their shopping habits and make personal recommendations.   However, the business has run into controversy in the past few years about the way that this information is used.  The Data Protection Act of 1998 (DPA) was passed in the UK because of increasing concerns about the way technology is changing the way personal data is processed and distributed.   The Act came into force in March 2000, and its main principles are as follows:  
  • Personal data must be adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to purpose
  • Personal data shall be accurate and kept up to date
  • Personal data shall not be kept longer than necessary
  • Personal data shall be processed in accordance with the rights of data subjects
  • Appropriate security measures shall be taken for personal data
  • Personal data shall not be transfered outside the European Economic Area (EEA) without proper protection
It is the last point that caused controversy for Amazon in September 2000, when it was revealed that the UK site was sharing information with other organisations in America.  Several customers complained that Amazon was in breach of EU regulations which prohibit the transfer of information to countries with lower standards of data protection.  However the Data Protection Commissioner pointed out that the Safe Harbour Agreement, drawn up in July 2000 between the EU and the US, enabled businesses that have signed the agreement to send data to a company in the US that is part of the agreement.   Although the Agreement is now up and running, in Sept 2000 it was a grey area, because there was no information about which businesses had signed up.

Amazon defended its actions, saying that it regarded customer information as a business asset, and it had the right to sell or buy assets as it expanded.  The Electronic Privacy Information Centre decided to boycott Amazon as a result of this.

Another area of legislation which affects Amazon is copyright.  A lot of people assume that because something appears on the web, it is freely available for everyone to use, but in fact it is subject to the same legal issues as non-online material. 

As I mentioned in my history of, they launched a 'Search Inside' feature in 2003 which allows a potential customer to search key words or phrases within the text of a book, emulating the browsing process that most people like to do before committing to a purchase.  Some authors have complained that this will weaken sales of their work and violate copyright laws.  However, Amazon have sidestepped the copyright laws, by not actually reproducing the works, but by obtaining the publisher's permission to scan the original publication and display it, digitally adjusted to make it easy readable on a computer screen.  The number of pages one viewer can access is limited, and printing is disabled.  

Some users are still sceptical about the whole process, even if they find the feature useful.  One scholar who was researching a scientific topic found that the keyword he searched for appeared throughout an entire book.  Amazon allows the user to look at the two previous and two subsequent pages as well as the search results page, so each search result returned five pages of the book.  The scholar was able to take screen grabs of each page, then return to the next set of search results, until he had copied the entire book.  He pointed out that while not technically illegal, it took away his incentive to buy the book, and it did not seem a fair use of copyrighted material.  Others argue that the tedious, time consuming process of 'stealing' a book this way, and the relatively unsatisfactory experience of reading scanned images will put most people off, and that the system of increased browsing will ultimately lead to increased sales.  Amazon claims that once a book goes to 'Search Inside' sales increase by an average of 8%.

As more and more books become digitized, the copyright debate intensifies.  Google, who offer a rival online book scheme, announced plans in 2005 to publish searchable online texts from a variety of America's top libraries.  The Authors Guild and the Association of American Publishers threatened to sue Google, claiming that scanning entire texts was in breach of copyright laws.  Google defended its decision, claiming that by displaying only a snippet of the book at one time was allowed under the 'fair use' clause of the copyright law.  It seems that the developing technology has created a legal grey area, which will take time be consolidated.  

I have also researched the areas of personal privacy, payment security, and message security which are relevant to online shopping.  One of the major methods of internet security is encryption.    Encryption works by translating message data into code.  To read the data, it is necessary to possess the decryption key.  The most widely used code is the Data Encryption Standard  (DES) which was developed by IBM.  The most up to date versions encrypts messages with 3 different keys (triple DES).  This is the most common method of credit card data protection.   An internet user can tell if a browser is in secure encrypted mode by a lock icon displaying in the bottom right hand corner.  As well as encryption, there are usually extra precautions such as passwords.  At the present time the most secure payment method is Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).  This uses a 128 key encryption to scramble credit card data, and creates a secure channel to prevent third parties being able to tamper with information.

Another method of internet security is biometry.  This works by using a unique aspect of the human body.  The most commonly used areas are fingertips, retinal patterns, and voice recognition.  Customers can also sign with a digitized pen.  This method is not yet in widespread use, but could become more common in the future.

Firewalls are now commonplace, with most new computers sold with them ready installed.  They work by putting a 'wall' between the public internet and private access.  The firewall filters messages and does not allow them to pass to private access without authentication/ verification.  

A final method of secure internet shopping is known as the Smart Card.  This is a plastic card similar to a credit/debit card.  It can be used at an ATM to be charged with money from the owners' account, and then inserted into a reader on a computer when the owner wishes to make an online purchase.  A password or pin is also needed, and the bank will then confirm to the cybershop that the payment will be made.  

Making a payment online is equally as safe as traditional shopping methods, and new technology is being constantly developed.


Michael De Kare-Silver- e-shock: the new rules   (Palgrave 2001)  pages 192- 201 

Data Protection Act

Article- Amazon Accused of Breaking Data Protection Laws

Article-  Online Dispute Expose Publishers Copyright Vulnerability



Thursday, 4 December 2008

History of

History of the Web

I am going to examine the history of the Web through the rise of the world’s most successful online retailer, Amazon.   

Amazon was founded in 1994 by an American named Jeff Bezos, and originally run from his garage at home in Washington State.  Initially, the business was called and was purely an online bookstore.  A businessman named Nick Hanauer was impressed by the idea of a bookstore that could have a far wider range of stock than any bricks and mortar store,  and invested $40,000 in the venture.  The name was changed to the more memorable, after the world’s largest river.   

The early website was unattractive and not user friendly, and the general population were still very suspicious of putting their credit card details online.  

Amazon's first website

However, even this early page includes the element that many people attribute as a factor in Amazon's huge success- the customer reviews.  This meant that people saw Amazon as more than just a bookstore, they felt part of an online community.  It is an opportunity for the buyer to have a variety of perspectives, and it provides an at-a-glance summary in its 1-5 star rating system for those too impatient to read the reviews.   There proved to be some drawbacks to the anonymous review system though,  as revealed in 2004 when the origin of the reviews was accidentally published.  Several authors openly admitted to praising their own work, and there was nothing to stop others posting malicious criticism.  

Amazon moderates reviews for offensive comments which are directed at anything except the product itself.  However, Bezos defended the freedom of reviewers to be negative, saying that he "wants to make every book available- the good, the bad, and the ugly."  The website has recently added a naming option for reviewers.  Amazon also makes personal recommendations to customers based on their previous purchases, and recommends related items that have been purchased by other customers.  This can generate a word-of-mouth success for books that would otherwise have remained in obscurity. 

In 1995, a man named Tom Alburg invested $100,000 in the business, which enabled them to improve the look of the website and its hosting capabilities.  People from all over America began to order books from Amazon.

Amazon circa 1995

By 1997, Amazon had generated $15.7 in revenue and added CDs and DVDs to its stock.  The company became public and expanded rapidly during 1998, selling software, games, electronics, toys and household goods.  It launched individual websites in several countries around the world, including the site.   Some people were sceptical about the rapid expansion coupled with the relatively slow growth of its share value.  However, it was part of Besoz's game plan to to concentrate on improving the business rather than to turn an early profit.  This paid off, and Amazon survived the dot-com boom and bust era of 1999-2001 when many e companies went out of business.  It did not remain immune, however, experiencing a sharp downturn in 2000 which led to the redundancy of 1000 workers.


How Amazon was affected by the dot-com boom and bust era

Bezos responded to the crisis at the close of 2001 by recruiting other companies to sell their products through Amazon, in return for a cut of the profit.  Today, 40% of Amazon's sales are through 3rd party sellers, and it has over 900,000 members worldwide. Amazon was the first online business to set up an affiliate marketing programme, and unlike eBay,  associates do not have to maintain separate payment accounts, which improves the customer experience.   

Further expansions include the Amazon Marketplace, launched in 2001, which allows customers to sell used books, DVDs, CDs, etc alongside new items.  It has been successful and is now one of eBay's main rivals.  In 2003, Amazon launched  the 'Search Inside' feature, which allows customers to search for keywords inside the full text of 250,000 books.  The scheme was launched with the co-operation of 130 publishers, but Amazon had to take measures to avoid copyright violations.  It publishes a picture of the page rather than the computer readable text,  disables printing and limits the number of accessible pages.  The Amazon Upgrade programme allows customers to purchase complete access to some books.  In 2005, Amazon launched its online music store, selling exclusively in MP3 format without digital rights management.

It seems to me that the growth of Amazon reflects the development of the World Wide Web in general; it is more than merely an e commerce business.  It provides a democratic, inter-active online community in which people can voice opinions, rate products and services, and tailor to their own particular needs.   Online businesses can respond immediately to  the latest developments in technology, such as downloading music and films, and can monitor customer choices much more closely than traditional retailers.  Amazon has millions of customers world-wide, and is constantly expanding is product categories and experimenting with new technologies.  Its growth looks set to continue well into the future.   



Article- How Survived, Thrived and Turned a Profit   


Article- Hidden Secrets of the Amazon Shopping Cart


Additional sources:

-History of

Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Internet Acronyms

Acronym    Meaning

HTML Hypertext Mark-up Language 

(X) HTML Extensible Hypertext Mark-up

CSS Cascading Style Sheet

ASP Active Service Pages

FTP File Transfer Protocol

WYSIWTG What You See is What You Get

FLV Flash File Format

URL Uniform Resource Locator

WWW World Wide Web

HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol

HTTPS       Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure

JS Java Script

CS3 Creative Suite 3

MP3 Moving Picture Experts Group Layer 3

MP4 Moving Picture Experts Group Layer 4

AVI Audio Video Interface

ASCI Accelerated Strategic Computer 

.COM Commercial

GIF Graphic Interchange Format

JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group

PNG Portable Network Graphics

POP3 Post Office Protocol Version 3

PSP Pascal Server Page

W3C World Wide Web Consortium

WCAG Web Content Accessibility Guidelines

Saturday, 27 September 2008

Website Reviews

Website 1:   Amazon   

     This is a shopping website, offering a wide range of products.  It has a shopping cart and plenty of guides to point you in the right direction.  You can refine your product search several times until you find the exact item you require.
The design is functional rather than aesthetically pleasing.  However, the layout is clear, if a bit cluttered.

    Amazon has a very broad target audience.  I think it is designed to be as inclusive as possible.  It is very easy to navigate. There are links, drop down menus, and search bars and buttons across the top and sides.  It needs no additional software.

    I think it could be improved by being less cluttered.

Website 2:    XFM Manchester 

     The website is intended to provide music news and reviews for xfm radio listeners, an indie music station.  There is plenty of information on the website, but it makes little effort to look interesting or appeal to teenagers who will be the majority of its audience.  If it wasn't for the ugly green boarder it could be an ordinary newspaper site.

You can click on photographs, drop down menus, and hyperlinks in the text to navigate.  To access some parts you need to register your details and have Realplayer.  The content is fine, but I think considering it is aimed at teenagers, it is a bit dull. I would try to make the overall look and layout more modern.

Since I made this entry, the website layout has been updated, see below.

I think this looks far better!  It is stylish and uncluttered, and has a nice rough and ready quality which you associate with the indie music that the station plays.

Website 3:   The Designer's Republic 

      This is for a leading graphic design company with a portfolio of famous clients.  The website contains information relevant to its purpose, but I think it has some drawbacks.  It is very minimalist, to the point where it is misleading and confusing. The layout is a bit odd, and you would have to use it regularly to get used to it.

It will be aimed at design clients and other designers, so it is obvious the company has tried not to have a run of the mill website.  However, I think they have sacrificed cutting edge design for usability. It is slow, sometimes links don't seem to work, and you are not always sure where you are.  You need Flash, which loads very slowly and sometimes not at all.  Overall, I think this needs to be made quicker and clearer to use.

Website 4:     Sara Fanelli  

     This website is for the illustrator Sara Fanelli. It contains relevant information about who she is and a portfolio of her work.  It features a distinctive wallpaper background and hand lettered text, which I think makes it very personal and individual.  It is aimed at publishers and advertisers, and shows clearly the type of work Fanelli produces; mostly hand rendered illustrations.  It is very easy to navigate, but the layout is still different and interesting.  You don't need any special software to view it. I think this is an excellent website and I wouldn't change anything.

Website 5:   The Robin Hood Inn    

     This website was design to provide potential customers with information about the Inn, such as location, menu, and opening times.  It provides all this information clearly with well laid out photographs.

      The layout is very simple, but I think it is effective.  I particularly like the banner photograph across the top with lettering over the right hand side, which is set off nicely by the dark red background.  As the Inn is in the Peak District, the target audience would be tourists, probably car drivers in the 35-65 age bracket.  It would also be a useful stopover for hikers wanting B&B.  I think the website is effective in appealing to this category of people, because they would be expecting something straightforward and user friendly, rather than a lot of flashy graphics, which would sit oddly with a country pub.  

     The navigation is easy, with a button table on the left hand side, and extra links within the text.  The site is well connected, with some nice rollover images in the accommodation section.  You don't need extra software/plugins or to join any networks to access information.  To improve the site, I think I would experiment with some more interesting fonts, especially across the top banner.

Website 6:   Bluu Bar & Restaurant

     I have chosen this site for a trendy bar in Manchester's Northern Quarter as a contrast to the country pub.  The purpose of this website is to provide information for potential customers and employees.  It does this and also acts as a showcase for the Bluu chain, which has bars across the UK.   It has all the details you would expect such as menus, location, opening hours, phone numbers, etc.

      This is one of the most distinctive websites I have seen.  The bar describes its look as 'an eclectic mix of retro furniture and 80's styling', with lived in values that does not take itself too seriously.  This is reflected in the style of the website, which on the opening page has a black background, with a window of faded floral wallpaper.  In the centre of this window the Bluu logo appears, complete with wavering animation, old style film 'crackle' and fuzzy sound effects.   The home page for each location features a 1950's retro style illustration of a pin-up girl perched on a table with a giant fork.  each link has its own neon symbol.  

     The website is designed to appeal to the young, urban customers, who are likely to be image conscious and media savvy, and will be amused by the quirky aesthetic.  However, I think this site has a number of drawbacks.  each link takes several seconds to load which is off putting, and you need to click twice- the first click just makes the symbol flash and buzz, which is really annoying.  Also, when you click the menu page, it opens as a photograph of the dining area, and you then have to roll the mouse over the menu set on one of the tables for food, a glass at the bar for drinks etc.  It took me a few seconds to realize this, and if you were in a hurry you might give up.  when you finally get the menu up, you have to turn the pages by dragging the mouse across the corner.  Some bits open in different windows, and the obscure, slow links make it difficult to navigate.  It may not work on all types of computer.  

    I was impressed with the unusual aesthetic, but I think this is over designed with too many gimmicks, and overall the effect is quickly irritating.  I would tone down the sound effects, animation and obscure links to make it quicker and easier to navigate. 

Website 7:  Google  

       The Google website is essentially an internet search engine, and it tries to stick to this purpose with its design.  As it has grown in popularity and versatility, many other features have been added, such as maps, mail, news etc, but this have been kept to unobtrusive links on the top left of the page.  The main feature is simply the logo and the search bar, making the page as easy to navigate as possible.  

    This simplicity makes the page very suitable for its purpose, and it is also memorable, as most websites have very little white space.  It is probably so familiar to most people that they don't really look at it, but Google occasionally challenge this when they produce a one-off customized logo for special events.  This use of humour and responding to the times makes it seem less of a giant faceless organization.  Even so, some people would probably prefer less minimalism.  Google needs to appeal to as broad a range of people as possible, so it probably takes care not to exclude or alienate anyone with complex navigation- the more specialized tools are there for those who need them.  

     I would suggest that some of the features, such as news and shopping, are a bit too discreet, as I rarely think about using them, even though I look at other news and shopping sites.  

Website 8:   Yahoo!

      The Yahoo site is a rival search engine to Google, but it takes a different approach to layout.  The search bar is just one feature at the top portion of the page, while the rest is crammed with links and advertisements.  It is quite clear and usable; I think its main fault is that it is not particularly distinctive or memorable, and looks just like almost all others sites of this kind.  It is aimed at the general internet user; I don't think its core audience could be easily narrowed down.

      The site has a wide variety of navigation tools, such as tabs, tables, buttons, drop down boxes, and picture links.  There is so much information competing for your attention that it is difficult to take in.  I think you would have to use it regularly to find your way around quickly.  A lot of links take you straight into completely separate websites.  You need an account to access some areas, and Realplayer for others.  I would make the overall look of this site more distinctive and less busy.

Website 9: Apple

The Apple website is a showcase for Apple's products and services, from which you can order items and download a variety of music, videos. etc.  It is designed to reinforce the Apple branding, using the white and brushed steel that is used for their computers.  The Macs are all displayed with the distinctive purple aurora desktop, which emphasizes the visual quality of their computers.  Although there is a lot of information on each page, it doesn't look crammed, and doesn't shout at the viewer.  

     The website will be used by people who are design and technically literate, as well as young music fans downloading music.  The overall impression is of a sleek and modern website which reflects its products, and should appeal to its users.  It is well laid out with a large navigation bar and no overly obscure links or unnecessary gimmicks.   I couldn't make some of the animated tutorials work, and the pages take a few seconds to load, which makes it less browsable.  I think some of the iTunes/iPod pages which will be used by a lot of teenagers could be made a bit less bland.  

Website 10:  Macclesfield Council

    The website is designed to provide information to Macclesfield citizens about the council's services.  There is plenty of material to this purpose. The main reason I have included it is because it is the only site I have seen which offers a variety of alternatives to its standard layout, which aims to include all types of users.  For example, you can look at a text only version, you can magnify the site, and also play an audio version (although only in Internet Explorer).   The site is clear and easy to navigate.  Its design is formal and business-like, because it is a public service rather than a site to sell or promote products.  

    Although it is good to see a website which is inclusive of partially sighted users, this service is limited to users of Windows Internet Explorer, so it could be improved by being usable in all browsers.